Fife, WA Flat Fee MLS Listing Packages

Select the Package that Best suits your needs... 
Pay only for the services you want!

To get more information on why Fife, WA Flat Fee MLS Listings work Click Here

Bronze - Fife, WA Flat Fee MLS Package - $299

Good Flat Fee MLS Package
**All sales are final.

» MLS Listing (Multiple Listing Service)***
»® Listing
» 100's of Local Real Estate websites

IDX Websites: Re/Max, Coldwell Banker, Prudential, John L Scott, Windermere, Keller Williams, Hasson Company, etc.

» 8 Digital Photos example 
» 60 Day Listing Term
» 8 Digital Photos on®
» 8 Digital Photos on 
» Printable Flyer Template example
» Real Estate Contracts & Disclosures

Silver - Fife, WA Flat Fee MLS Package - $399

Better Flat Fee MLS Package
*The number of photos displayed on the MLS varies by the MLS Association.

**All sales are final.

» MLS Listing (Multiple Listing Service)***
»® Listing
» 100's of Local Real Estate websites

IDX Websites: Re/Max, Coldwell Banker, Prudential, John L Scott, Windermere, Keller Williams, Hasson Company, etc.

» 6 Month Listing Term 
» Up to 10 Digital Photos on the MLS* 
» 10 Digital Photos on® 
» 10 Digital Photos on
» Printable Flyer Templates** example
» Schedule Open house dates online
» Sub-domain Link
» Virtual Tour Linking
» Real Estate Contracts & Disclosures
» Classified Ad Creator for Craigslist 

Gold - Fife, WA Flat Fee MLS Package - $499

Best Flat Fee MLS Package
Shipping not included.

*The number of photos displayed on the MLS varies by the MLS Association.

**All sales are final.

» MLS Listing (Multiple Listing Service)***
»® Listing
» 100's of Local Real Estate websites

IDX Websites: Re/Max, Coldwell Banker, Prudential, John L Scott, Windermere, Keller Williams, Hasson Company, etc.

» 12 Month Listing Term
» Up to 16 Digital Photos on the MLS* 
» 16 Digital Photos on® 
» 16 Digital Photos on
» Professional Real Estate Sign example
» Printable Flyer Templates** example
» Schedule Open house dates online
» Sub-domain Link
» Virtual Tour Linking
» Real Estate Contracts & Disclosures
» Classified Ad Creator for Craigslist

Platinum - Fife, WA Flat Fee MLS Package - $799

Agent Assist Flat Fee MLS Package
Shipping not included.

*The number of photos displayed on the MLS varies by the MLS Association.

**All sales are final.

» MLS Listing (Multiple Listing Service)***
»® Listing
» 100's of Local Real Estate websites

IDX Websites: Re/Max, Coldwell Banker, Prudential, John L Scott, Windermere, Keller Williams, Hasson Company, etc.

» List until SOLD - "No Expiration" 
» Up to 16 Digital Photos on the MLS* 
» 25 Digital Photos on® 
» 30 Digital Photos on
» Professional Real Estate Sign example
» Virtual Tour Slide show example
» Nation Listing Service example
» Printable Flyer Templates** example
» Schedule Open house dates online
» Sub-domain Link
» Virtual Tour Linking example
» Real Estate Contracts & Disclosures
» Classified Ad Creator for Craigslist

1% Fife, WA Limited Full Service Package - $499

Homes with Sale Price under $250,000 pay a minimum listing agent commission of $2,500. 

Shipping not included.

*The number of photos displayed on the MLS varies by the MLS Association.

**All sales are final.

» MLS Listing (Multiple Listing Service)***
»® "Showcase Listing"
» 100's of Local Real Estate websites                       

IDX Websites: Re/Max, Coldwell Banker, Prudential, John L Scott, Windermere, Keller Williams, Hasson Company, etc.

» List until SOLD - "No Expiration" 
» Up to 16 Digital Photos on the MLS*
» 25 Digital Photos on® 
» 30 Digital Photos on
» Professional Real Estate Sign example
» Virtual Tour Slide show example
» Nation Listing Service
» Printable Flyer Templates** example
» Schedule Open house dates online
» Sub-domain Link
» Virtual Tour Linking
» Real Estate Contracts & Disclosures
» Classified Ad Creator for Craigslist

Don't Hassle with the Paperwork! 
» We receive 1% when SOLD

Licensed Real Estate Broker role: 
» Write and/or review offers 
» Negotiation Assistance 
» Open Escrow 
» Coordinate Home Inspection 
» Write and/or review all Addendum's 
» Communicate with Buyers Lender 
» Coordinate Home Appraisal 
» Communicate with Escrow Officer 
» Review Preliminary Title Report 
» Prepare for Closing

Click here for more details

Seller chooses the Buyer's Agent Commission (Typically 2.5% to 3%).

Sign post not included.

Seller to provide digital photos.

**All sales are final. Please read the
Terms of use before processing your order.

***The MLS rules prohibit seller contact information from being displayed on the Public MLS webites. Your contact information and showing instructions will be available to all Realtor members of the MLS.

To see an example of the Public and Broker versions of the listings click here.